GGanttChart Component
The GGanttChart component is the main container component for creating Gantt charts in your Vue 3 application. It handles the overall layout, time management, and coordination between all child components.
Basic Usage
Here's a minimal example of using the GGanttChart component:
v-for="row in rows"
Component API
Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
chartStart | string | Date | Required | The start date of the chart's visible range |
chartEnd | string | Date | Required | The end date of the chart's visible range |
precision | 'hour' | 'day' | 'week' | 'month' | 'day' | Time unit precision for the chart |
barStart | string | Required | Property name for bar start dates |
barEnd | string | Required | Property name for bar end dates |
width | string | '100%' | Chart width |
hideTimeaxis | boolean | false | Hide the time axis |
colorScheme | string | ColorScheme | 'default' | Color scheme for the chart |
grid | boolean | false | Show background grid |
pushOnOverlap | boolean | false | Push bars when they overlap |
pushOnConnect | boolean | false | Push connected bars when moving |
noOverlap | boolean | false | Prevent bars from overlapping |
rowHeight | number | 40 | Height of each row in pixels |
font | string | 'inherit' | Font family for the chart |
labelColumnTitle | string | '' | Title for the label column |
labelColumnWidth | string | '150px' | Width of the label column |
sortable | boolean | true | Enable row sorting functionality |
multiColumnLabel | LabelColumnConfig[] | [] | Array of columns to display in the header |
commands | boolean | true | Show chart control commands |
enableMinutes | boolean | false | Enable minutes precision for hour view |
enableConnections | boolean | true | Enable connections between bars |
defaultConnectionType | ConnectionType | 'straight' | Default type for bar connections |
defaultConnectionColor | string | '#ff0000' | Default color for connections |
defaultConnectionPattern | ConnectionPattern | 'solid' | Default pattern for connections |
defaultConnectionAnimated | boolean | false | Enable connection animations |
defaultConnectionAnimationSpeed | ConnectionSpeed | 'normal' | Speed of connection animations |
maxRows | number | 0 | Maximum number of visible rows |
initialSort | SortState | 'none' | Initial sorting column and direction |
initialRows | ChartRow[] | [] | Initial rows data |
currentTime | boolean | false | Show current time indicator |
currentTimeLabel | string | '' | Label for current time indicator |
dateFormat | string | false | 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' | Format for dates |
milestones | GanttMilestone[] | [] | List of milestone |
holidayHighlight | string | `` | Country Cody of date-holidays |
rowClass | (row: ChartRow) => string | `` | Method to add classes to data rows |
rowLabelClass | (row: ChartRow) => string | `` | Method to add classes to label rows |
dayOptionLabel | DayOptionLabel[] | ['day'] | Customization for time unit day |
locale | string | 'en' | Locale for dayjs |
Event Name | Payload | Description |
click-bar | { bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent } | Bar clicked |
mousedown-bar | { bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent } | Mouse down on bar |
mouseup-bar | { bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent } | Mouse up on bar |
dblclick-bar | { bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent } | Bar double clicked |
dragstart-bar | { bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent } | Bar drag started |
drag-bar | { bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent } | Bar being dragged |
dragend-bar | { bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent, movedBars?: Map } | Bar drag ended |
sort | { direction: SortState } | Sort rows column and direction |
Slot Name | Props | Description |
default | None | Main content slot for GGanttRow components |
label-column-title | None | Custom label column header |
label-column- | None | Custom label column row |
current-time-label | None | Custom current time indicator label |
bar-label | { bar: GanttBarObject } | Custom bars label content |
milestone | { bar: GanttBarObject } | Custom milestones content |
milestone- | { bar: GanttBarObject } | Custom specific milestone content |
Advanced Features
Keyboard Navigation
The component supports keyboard navigation:
- Arrow keys for moving through the timeline
- +/- for zooming
- Page Up/Down for faster navigation
- Home/End for jumping to start/end
Time Management
date-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"