Styling Examples
This section demonstrates various styling options available in HyVue Gantt.
Color Schemes
Example using different built-in color schemes:
<div class="schemes-demo">
v-for="scheme in colorSchemes"
style="margin-bottom: 20px;"
v-for="row in rows"
<script setup lang="ts">
const colorSchemes = [
Custom Bar Styles
Example with custom bar styling:
<g-gantt-chart v-bind="chartConfig">
v-for="row in rows"
<script setup lang="ts">
const rows = ref([
label: 'Custom Styles',
bars: [
start: '2024-01-01',
end: '2024-01-15',
ganttBarConfig: {
id: '1',
label: 'Gradient Bar',
style: {
background: 'linear-gradient(45deg, #42b883, #35495e)',
borderRadius: '8px',
boxShadow: '0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
color: 'white',
fontWeight: 'bold'
start: '2024-01-20',
end: '2024-02-10',
ganttBarConfig: {
id: '2',
label: 'Pattern Bar',
style: {
background: 'repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #606dbc, #606dbc 10px, #465298 10px, #465298 20px)',
color: 'white'
Time Unit Highlighting
You can highlight specific time units and holidays:
:highlighted-hours="[9, 12, 17]"
:highlighted-days-in-week="[0, 6]"
:highlighted-days-in-month="[1, 15, 30]"
:highlighted-months="[0, 6]"
:highlighted-week="[1, 52]"
<!-- chart content -->