HyVue Gantt provides extensive styling options to customize the appearance of your Gantt chart. This guide covers all styling aspects from basic colors to advanced customizations.
Color Schemes
Built-in color schemes are available:
<g-gantt-chart :color-scheme="'vue'" />
// Available schemes:
const schemes = [
Custom Bar Styling
Individual bars can be styled:
const bar = {
ganttBarConfig: {
id: '1',
style: {
background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #42b883, #35495e)',
borderRadius: '4px',
boxShadow: '0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)',
color: '#ffffff',
fontWeight: 'bold'
Layout Customization
Control the chart's layout:
:font="'Arial, sans-serif'"
CSS Variables
Override default styles using CSS variables:
.g-gantt-chart {
--gantt-primary-color: #42b883;
--gantt-secondary-color: #35495e;
--gantt-text-color: #2c3e50;
--gantt-grid-color: #eaeaea;
--gantt-hover-color: rgba(66, 184, 131, 0.1);
Responsive Design
The chart automatically adapts to different screen sizes, but you can customize this behavior:
Each guide includes practical examples and best practices for implementation. The content is structured to progress from basic concepts to advanced features, maintaining a professional and educational tone throughout.