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Chart Configuration

The Chart Configuration module provides comprehensive control over your Gantt chart's behavior and appearance. This guide explains the essential configuration options and how to use them effectively.

Basic Configuration

The GGanttChart component accepts several key configuration properties that define its core functionality:


Essential Properties

  • chart-start and chart-end: Define the visible time range (string | Date)
  • precision: Sets the time unit ('hour', 'day', 'week', 'month')
  • bar-start and bar-end: Specify data properties for dates
  • row-height: Controls row height in pixels
  • width: Chart width (percentage or pixels)

Advanced Configuration

interface GGanttChartConfig {
  enableMinutes?: boolean;
  enableConnections?: boolean;
  defaultConnectionType?: ConnectionType;
  maxRows?: number;
  labelColumnTitle?: string;
  labelColumnWidth?: string;
  font?: string;
  dateFormat?: string;

Event Handling

The chart emits various events that you can listen to:


Performance Optimization

For optimal performance:

  1. Use appropriate precision for your needs
  2. Limit the visible time range
  3. Consider pagination for large datasets
  4. Use maxRows for controlled loading

Released under the MIT License.