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Quick Start

This guide will help you create your first Gantt chart using HyVue Gantt. We'll build a simple project management timeline to demonstrate the core features.

Your First Gantt Chart

Let's create a basic project timeline with three tasks. We'll show you how to set up the chart, add tasks, and customize their appearance.

Basic Setup

First, create a new component in your Vue project:

      v-for="row in rows"

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import type { ChartRow } from 'hy-vue-gantt'

// Chart configuration
const chartStart = ref('2024-01-01')
const chartEnd = ref('2024-03-31')
const precision = ref('day')
const barStart = ref('start')
const barEnd = ref('end')

// Project data
const rows = ref<ChartRow[]>([
    label: 'Design Phase',
    bars: [
        start: '2024-01-05',
        end: '2024-01-20',
        ganttBarConfig: {
          id: '1',
          label: 'UI Design',
          style: { background: '#42b883' }
    label: 'Development',
    bars: [
        start: '2024-01-21',
        end: '2024-02-15',
        ganttBarConfig: {
          id: '2',
          label: 'Frontend Implementation',
          style: { background: '#35495e' }
    label: 'Testing',
    bars: [
        start: '2024-02-10',
        end: '2024-02-28',
        ganttBarConfig: {
          id: '3',
          label: 'QA Testing',
          style: { background: '#ff7e67' }

Understanding the Code

Let's break down the key components:

Chart Properties

  • chart-start and chart-end: Define the visible time range
  • precision: Sets the time unit ('hour', 'day', 'week', or 'month')
  • bar-start and bar-end: Specify which properties of your data contain the start and end dates
  • row-height: Controls the height of each row
  • grid: Enables the background grid

Data Structure

Each task in your Gantt chart needs:

  • A unique identifier
  • Start and end dates
  • A label
  • Optional styling configuration

Adding Interactivity

Let's enhance our chart with some interactive features:


<script setup lang="ts">

const chartConfig = {
  chartStart: chartStart.value,
  chartEnd: chartEnd.value,
  precision: precision.value,
  barStart: barStart.value,
  barEnd: barEnd.value,
  rowHeight: 40,
  grid: true,
  pushOnOverlap: true,
  colorScheme: 'default'

const handleBarClick = (event: any) => {
  console.log('Bar clicked:',

const handleBarDrag = (event: any) => {
  console.log('Bar being dragged:',

const handleBarDragEnd = (event: any) => {
  console.log('Final position:',,

Next Steps

Now that you have a basic Gantt chart working, you can:

  1. Learn about Chart Configuration for more customization options
  2. Explore Bar Connections to show dependencies between tasks
  3. Check out Custom Styling to match your application's design
  4. See more Examples for advanced usage patterns

Common Patterns

Adding Bar Connections

To show task dependencies:

const bars = [
    // ... other bar properties
    ganttBarConfig: {
      id: '1',
      connections: [
        { targetId: '2', type: 'straight' }

Custom Bar Styling

To customize individual bars:

ganttBarConfig: {
  id: '1',
  style: {
    background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #42b883, #35495e)',
    borderRadius: '4px',
    boxShadow: '0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'

Handling Updates

Remember to use Vue's reactivity system when updating data:

const updateTask = (barId: string, newStart: string, newEnd: string) => {
  const row = rows.value.find(row => 
    row.bars.some(bar => === barId)
  if (row) {
    const bar = row.bars.find(bar => === barId)
    if (bar) {
      bar.start = newStart
      bar.end = newEnd

Tips for Success

  1. Always provide unique IDs for your bars
  2. Use consistent date formats throughout your application
  3. Consider time zones when working with dates
  4. Test drag-and-drop behavior with overlapping tasks
  5. Implement error handling for date validation

Need more help? Check our GitHub repository or create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Released under the MIT License.